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First Reading (assessment)

The first reading is an overall assessment of the manuscript. At the end of the first reading, the editor will either meet with the author or send a letter outlining the following:

  • Does the narrative hold together?

  • Is the pace even?

  • Are the characters interesting, believable, realistic, appropriately likable or unlikable?

  • What is the overall quality of the writing?

  • Is there a strong, consistent narrative voice?





First Edit (substantive/structural edit)


The first edit is a substantive/structural edit. At the end of the first edit, the editor will either meet with the author or return an annotated electronic copy of the manuscript to the author detailing with the following:

  • Noting content that needs to be clarified

  • Noting structural/organizational issues present in the manuscript

  • Checking for plot development

    • Does the story move?

    • Where does it move too quickly or bog down?

    • Do the events advance the narrative?

  • Checking for character development

    • Do the characters grow?

    • Are they multi-dimensional?

    • Are their actions in-character or understandable to their development?

  • Does the narrative voice change or falter?

  • Does the author's voice intrude?


* This edit does not include research or writing original material unless contracted in advance.


Substantive edit

Second Edit (stylistic edit)


The second edit is a stylistic edit or line-by-line edit for language and consistency. However, if the structural flaws as noted in the first edit have not been sufficiently addressed, the author will be contacted and the second edit will be suspended until the structural flaws can be discussed and/or repaired at no additional cost. At the end of the second edit, the editor will return an electronic copy of the manuscript with the following stylistic edits annotated:

  • Clarifying meaning

  • Eliminating jargon

  • Noting tense shifts in narration

  • Noting person shifts in narration

  • Adding or removing dialogue tags

  • Checking narrative fact

    • Is something true within the narrative or fiction created?

  • Noting logical flow

    • Does a point or action follow logically based upon the premises presented?


* This edit does not include checking or correcting reading level unless contracted in advance.

Stylistic edit

Third Edit (copy edit)


The third edit is a copy edit. At the end of the third edit, the editor will return an electronic copy of the manuscript with the following copy edits marked:

  • Grammar

  • Usage

  • Spelling

  • Punctuation

  • Other mechanics of style

  • Noting consistency of mechanics

  • Noting internal consistency of facts

  • Checking approximate placement of illustrations for consistency


* This edit does not include the following unless requested in advance:

  • Americanization

  • standardization of weights and measures

  • verifying translations or accuracy of non-English words


* This edit does not include the following unless contracted in advance:​

  • writing captions or credit lines

  • listing permissions needed

  • providing front matter (prelims), cover copy or cover design

  • writing the preface, foreword, back matter or acknowledgements

Copy edit
Final editing (proofreading)
This edit is a space-by-space proofreading completed just prior to release and submission to a publisher for minor mechanical errors in the copy such as
  • typographical errors

  • spelling mistakes

  • small deviations from style sheet such as font inconsistencies

However, if the copy edits as noted in the third edit have not been sufficiently addressed, the author will be contacted and the final edit will be suspended until the editor is assured that the author has deliberately chosen to reject the copy edits. At the end of the final edit, the editor will return an electronic copy of the manuscript with all mechanical errors noted.


* This edit does not include the following unless contracted in advance:

  • incorporating author's alterations

  • checking accuracy of running heads and folios

  • checking page breaks

  • inserting or checking page numbers

  • flagging or checking location of illustrations

Final proofreading

Manuscript requirements to submit for services:


Word processing software - Microsoft Word

Font -  Times New Roman

Font size - 12 point

Spacing between lines - double

250 words is industry standard for a page.


Just prior to submission (after your manuscript has received its final round of proofreading and edits, and you have made your final changes), you will reformat your manuscript to the appropriate publishing software, font, etc. - frequently with the assistance of a book designer.





Note: We do not accept pornography. Click here for questions.

Manuscript requirements
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