Jennifer T. Avagnano's photographs have been used for the cover of the novel All The Living And The Dead as well as the poetry collection The Jewel That Shines Within. She has been practicing her art for over 10 years. Jennifer will help you select an appropriate photo for your jacket cover or shoot specific scenes to create the art you need.
Contact Jennifer directly at: bookmakersediting@gmail.com

Jake Estrada works as a full time illustrator, author, and comic artist creating a monthly comic series called Space Coast Comixx. He is very active within the comic industry and has had his work featured in more than 24 issues of Spotlight magazine. Furthermore, he has had a strip about anti-bullying appear in Al Dia Today, a multilingual paper in Central Florida. In addition to these credits, he has created several comic books totaling more than 50 publications. Find these publications on Amazon.com and at other bookstores throughout the country.
Contact Jake directly at: estratajake@yahoo.com or at

Emory Au has more than 20 years experience as an art director, graphic designer and illustrator. Through his wide range of skills, he has worked on a variety of projects including cover illustrations and interior layout designs for both children and adults books, fiction and non. Emory is always mindful that the objective for any book’s design is to complement and support the author’s literary vision and that the typography of the layout should reflect this vision. View examples of his work at:
emorymakesart.squarespace.com and https://indd.adobe.com/view/91d66e77-22e6-481e-961d-8a6563e1bc35
Contact Emory directly at: eau7664@gmail.com or at